Indiana Adoption Lawyer News

how to get an adoption Subsidy in Indiana

Feb 15, 2022 | General, Indiana Adoption Law

Typically, adoption subsidies are available in Indiana if the child is determined to be “special needs” and the child would not likely be adopted without the adoption assistance being offered.  Most often in Indiana, the subsidy is available to adoptive parents of children over the age of two (2) years.  The subsidy is also available to sibling groups.  Once determined eligible, the adoptive parents will negotiate a daily per diem amount that is intended to make up for any shortfall the adoptive parents have in meeting the child’s needs.  As such, it is VERY important for adoptive parents to capture all of the family’s eligible expenses. 

We offer our clients a lot of assistance in making sure that we present all appropriate expenses that the family is incurring now, but also those that are likely to be incurred in the near future.  We have significant experience negotiating the adoption subsidies available to Indiana families and do our best to make sure that the family receives a fair subsidy from the State of Indiana. Afterall, the subsidy is for the child and he/she should not suffer because the State wants to save a few dollars.  The Adoption subsidy also includes that that child will maintain his/her Medicaid and the Non-Recurring Adoption Expense (this is what is used to pay for legal fees).

Nate Leach at Herrin & Leach specializes in adoptions in Indiana and can help navigate the process.  We also offer free consultations.  Please call 317-566-2174 to discuss your case or email Nate at

Compassionate & Experienced Indiana Adoption Attorneys


Ethical & Compassionate Adoption

We work diligently to ensure a successful adoption. When done correctly, adoption offers expectant mothers, prospective parents and the child all the chance for a bright future. When you come to our office, we will take the time to answer all of your questions, explain the process and clear up any aspect of the adoption process that might be confusing.

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