Creating an adoption plan is a significant and heartfelt decision that requires careful thought and consideration. Having a well-structured plan can make the adoption process smoother and ensures that you have a voice throughout the process. Here are our essential steps to creating an adoption plan that aligns with your wishes and ensures the best possible outcome for everyone involved.

1. Understanding Your Options

Before creating an adoption plan, it’s crucial to understand the different types of adoption available. If you want to maintain contact with adoptive parents, sharing updates and visits, you can choose an open adoption. Or if you’d like updates communicated via an intermediary, semi-open adoption is an option. For no contact and sealed records, you can choose to have a closed adoption. When deciding on your adoption type, it’s important to consider which type of adoption aligns best with your comfort level and long-term desires for contact with the child.

2. Choosing the Right Professional

Select an adoption professional who specializes in the type of adoption you’re considering. They will provide essential guidance, support, and resources throughout the process. Look for professionals with a strong reputation, experience, and a compassionate approach. When selecting an agency or attorney, you want to ensure that they can wholeheartedly advocate for you and the child. They are there to guide you through each and every step throughout the adoption process. 

3. Developing Your Adoption Preferences

As a birth parent, think about what kind of family you envision for your child. You’ll want to consider prospective parents’ family structure—Do they already have children? Are they single parents? You’ll also want to think about the lifestyle and values you want for your child, from specific religious beliefs, educational opportunities, urban or rural living, etc. In your adoption plan, you will establish your communication preferences with the adoptive parents. 

4. Creating a Birth Plan

An adoption plan doesn’t just consider your child’s placement. It also includes a birth plan that outlines your wishes for labor, delivery, and post-birth care. In your birth plan, you decide who you want to be present during labor and delivery, whether you want to hold your baby after birth, and how you envision the handover to the adoptive parents. 

5. Legal Considerations

Your adoption exists as an opportunity to ensure your voice is heard and that every aspect of your adoption meets all legal requirements. Your adoption professional will ensure that your adoption plan accounts for relinquishing your parental rights, completes the necessary documentation and paperwork, and that the adoption is finalized in court. The adoption process can be complicated with many legal steps, but it doesn’t have to be with the right support. 

Creating an adoption plan is a deeply personal and meaningful process. By understanding your options, choosing the right professionals, and clearly outlining your preferences, you can ensure that your adoption journey is guided by your values and wishes. Remember, you are not alone—support is available every step of the way to help you make informed and heartfelt decisions.

If you’re ready to begin your adoption journey or need guidance on creating an adoption plan, contact us today for a free, no-obligation consultation. At Herrin & Leach, we’re here to support your unique journey every step of the way.